But be consistent, do it all the time, not one thing one day
and another the next. Be wholly what you are, not half and half. Everyone now
is a little of everything - Henrik
Life has grown the interest of testing
everyone’s ability and tenacity to actually show seriousness in getting a
thing. What you never fight to get never
lasts. The stagnant water in a pothole on the road tends to make the
pothole gets deeper if not attended to. The pothole isn’t getting deeper
because it is not fixed, it only gets deeper because something keeps digging it
without giving up, and that is the stagnant water.
The consistency of the stagnant
water makes the pothole weaker and the water penetrates more into the ground
such that with time, the pothole becomes deeper. This is similar to life. There
is no such thing as a great talent without great willpower - Honoré de Balzac. It is
one thing to have a gift or talent, ability, skills, or can do a thing better
than the other person and it is another thing to push harder and be consistent
in that thing. The previous, which is good in a thing puts you above average, while being consistent in that thing puts
you above every other.
Check this: Why I cannot die trying
The only way to identify a particular tortoise from a million
tortoises is to see it rise among them all. How do you achieve this without
doing that thing you can do best consistently and let people know you for it?
Jack of all trade makes the master of none.
Pushing a new enterprise past all the barriers to success
takes learnable skills...but it also takes a tenacious inner passion bordering
on monomania. This combination is what I call leadership - Kye Anderson. One important thing about being a success is the ‘secret of inner passion’. What actually
pushes you to do the things you do. What motivates you, what rushes you and
what burns in you and reminds you that you can be great. In order to be a
success or achieve anything in life, there must be a passion for what you do;
such that you love that thing even when many do not believe in you doing it. In
order to beat the best, in order to beat those that are successful in a field,
you have to do double or multiple of the works they have done.
The voice of the intellect is a soft
one, but it does not rest till it has gained a hearing - Sigmund Freud. Before
your voice can be heard in that oversaturated industry where so many people
have made it before you found yourself there, you must not rest; you must be
consistent. Results may not arrive in months, a year, and two three or even
five, however, it will surely pay off.
If you are not earning anything for the
first few years, you will be gaining experience, and it is the experience that will make you last in the field and also
carve a niche for yourself. Therefore, fight on, rewards that come early leave early, bubbles are easily formed and
quickly dissolved. Don’t be a bubble where you should be a stone. That thing
burning in you about your skill should push you to your success.
There is a patience of the wild...that holds motionless for
endless hours the spider in its web, the snake in its coils, the panther in its
ambuscade; this patience belongs primarily to life when it hunts its living
food - Jack London.
Your skills may get you a living,
but your patience gets you a life such
that you might look back and remember when you struggled to make it in that
saturated field. Even an eagle takes her time to monitor her prey before
hunting for a catch. She patiently calculates, observes and predicts the next
move of her prey before the shot. Don’t
ever start a thing and expect result immediately, it only shows you won’t last
in such field. How would you mentor the young ones in such field without
experience. It is only consistency that brings experience, so, if rewards don’t
come, experience comes.
There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the
continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory - Francis Drake. There is no glory, gift or reward of a struggle at the beginning of it.
It comes at the end of it. If the glory were to be at the beginning, almost
everyone would be doing it and they must have sucked up all the beautiful
things in there even before you got there. However, some saw the struggles,
pains, discipline and ran.
Even while the world has gone digital, there is
still a large part of technology and digital resources that has not been
harnessed. If only you looked deeper, if only you fought on, if only you were
patient enough, if only you would take more of your time, that struggle will
eventually worth it, you will really be paid big time and you will congratulate
yourself for not giving up easily.
Finally, Trust the man who hesitates in his
speech and is quick and steady in action - George Santayana. Slow and steady wins the race. Still water runs deeper and there is
glory without gut, no grace without grass and no sky scraper without foundation.
The journey is still fresh, you still have the strength and energy to achieve a
lot of thing, glory comes at the point of tiredness, giving up, and losing
Immediately you feel like giving up, believe the glory is close,
identify that something big wants to come up but you have to first be tested
for consistency, tenacity and self-discipline. You can’t give what you
don’t have. Never give up on your dreams, you own it and you alone can fight
for it. No one owes you a support and you are responsible for your own life.
No Pain, No Gain
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Thank you so much for sharing sir. This speaks to me presently due to my recent change of company. I have to keep pressing for my voice to be heard. I know it's not instant as said earlier but I will be consistent as advised.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much...
ReplyDeleteWhat caught my attention most is REWARDS THAT COME EARLY LEAVE EARLY , wao, what a weapon to hold on to, to keep on fighting